I for one am not impressed with Sarah Palin 's ideas of what reform means.
She says that she voted no to the Bridge to Nowhere, however, that was AFTER she had pushed to have it go through. in addition, 27 million was still retained.
She has bragged about how she put the jet on Ebay, however, does she mention it never sold and was then unloaded by an aircraft broker?
How about the fact that she billed over $43,000.00 for travel by her husband and kids?
This is reform? This is ridiculous!
How about spending over $700.00 per night for hotel, for her and her daughter in October to go to a womens conference in NY? It seems as long as someone else is paying, why not? But then to brag about how fiscally responsible she is? And how she will be the best choice for helping lead this nation?
This is interesting, the fact that she inquired about banning books at the local library, and threatens to fire the librarian...and the fact she wants to open up oil drilling in areas that are environmentally delicate.
She continues to say how great she is, but NEVER gives any indication on how she would reform. How about the fact she is being investigated regarding her sisters ex husband firing?
What else is lurking in her closet? I sure the hell hope America watches closely and chooses carefully.
The View from my Kitchen
6 years ago