Thursday, November 6, 2008

Crazy Wisconsin weather

On Monday and Tuesday I hung laundry outside to was 75 degrees and breaking records. Tomorrow, Friday, 3 days later we are expecting snow.

Homemade Vanilla Extract

Last night we had a class about herbal blends, and at the end of the class, I showed how easy it is to make your own vanilla extract. All you need is one or two vanilla beans, and liquor. You can use brandy, whiskey or bourbon. Take a sharp knife (careful!) and make a slit down the vanilla bean. Put it in a quart jar or a clean mayo jar - it needs to have a lid. Pour the booze into the jar, cover, label and place in the pantry. After a couple of weeks, voila! You have vanilla extract, ready to flavor cookies, cakes, and pastries. Or....hint, hint, hint, the holidays are coming. Placed in a pretty bottle, with a bit of ribbon tied into a bowl, what a cool gift! Once you have used up all of the vanilla extract, remove the beans and place in a sugar bowl, the sugar will become vanilla flavored. Enjoy!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Thanksgiving - my favorite holiday

Just a few words about my all time favorite holiday - Thanksgiving. Its not about "stuff". In fact, its all about traditions, family and friends, good food in abundance, celebrating the harvest, giving genuine thanks for the past year, including the ups and downs, and reflections on the future. Its good smells, and warmth, sharing. But most of all, its not about "stuff".

Crudite tips for holiday gatherings

I love the holidays, and before we know it, they will be here. Here's a few ideas to help serve tasty raw veggies at your next gathering.
*Choosing a tray or platter is easy to hold the veggies is easy, just look for broad, flat serving pieces.
*Using veggies as containers for dips. Hollowed out red, yellow and green bell peppers look great stuffed full of dip and placed in the center of the crudite tray.
*For Thanksgiving, how about a small squash or pumpkin, hollowed and fitted with a small plastic container to hold the dip.
*Allow for an abundance of veggies, the leftovers can always be made into soup.
*Also look for a variety of colors, reds, greens, yellows, oranges for drama and appeal.
*Arranging in separate clumps and making sure that larger pieces are cut into easy to enjoy pieces, slices or strips.
*Garnishes such as parsley, herbs, chive blossoms or edible flowers make a WOW! statement.

Please vote

This is just a reminder, to please vote tomorrow, Nov 4, 2008 for the candidate of your choice. We are truly blessed to have the opportunity to help select the next leader. I wish everyone in the world could be so blessed.