Last Sunday didn't find me out in the yard raking (way too windy) so this Sunday is going to be spent pulling out the remaining veggie plants from the garden and adding to the compost bins. I'm also going to gather up as many leaves from the yard as possible to top dress the gardens and add to the latest lasagna garden. I am really expanding the gardens to grow as much food as possible next year, and the leaves make a great soil amendment (and they're free!). Early this morning I pulled carrots to go in the crock pot along with celery, potatoes and a beef roast. The recent frosts have made the carrots even sweeter, they are delicious. I need to plant extra carrots next year to try to overwinter in the garden. I miss going out to harvest a "garden meal" now that frost at night is more common than not. I also need to plan for more potatoes and extra room for the acorn squash. I don't think the neighbor was too happy to see our squash vines climbing their tree. Also, more shallots! For sweet corn I will just go with the bi color, it was far superior to the all yellow. I want to plant wine grapes, and a Montmorency tart cherry tree, and more raspberries. This is fun time, planning, when there are endless possibilities.