Friday, February 6, 2009

It has begun....

I know its too early. I can't help it. I will only plant a few seeds....I promise to wait till the right time. Spring is still several months away.
Today I sowed some Mamoth, Purple Ruffles and Genovese basil seeds, sweet marjoram, oregano, sage, and spearmint. Tomorrow, a day closer, I will plant thyme, summer savory, cilantro and parsley.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jeff's chicken recipe

Jeff is an excellent cook, able to come up with great ideas just by looking in the refrigerator and pantry, sometimes using a recipe but most often just tweaking/adding/substituting. I came home to the most delicious aroma, I knew we were having "chicken" that evening but not sure how he was going to prepare it. He breaded the chicken breasts and cooked them along with thin diced carrots and set aside. Then he made tomato basil flavored pasta and placed the chicken on top, edged with the carrots. Then he made a bechamel sauce, but instead of using just milk, he used half milk half chicken broth and ladled over the chicken/pasta/carrots. Yum!!!