I have to admit, I am antsy for spring! Last night here in Wisconsin it got down to a negative 4 degrees, and today, while the sun is shining and beautiful, windchill is 15 below zero. Add that to the mountains of snow. Ok, perhaps not mountains, but there are piles of snow in my front yard from shoveling the walks and driveway that are as tall as I am. Whats a gardener to do?
Well, I am tending the many seedlings I have growing in the front south facing windows of Kindred Spirits, watering, praising and marveling at the beauty each seedling has. The heirloom tomatoes won't be able to go outside for another 1.5 to 2 months, and by then they will have grown into stocky lovely plants ready to blossom. I have started Brandywine, Bloody Butcher and Mortgage Lifter this year. Some are destined for our home garden, others will be shared with friends and family and the rest will be sold at the shop.
I also am trying an experiment this spring with some of the other seedlings. I want to show and teach others that even without an in-ground garden, you can still grow nutritious wonderful food in containers if you have a sunny spot (patio, balcony) I have bush beans that are going into 8 inch pots, and am growing potatoes in large tubs. Many herbs work great in containers as well. Last year when we were doing the renovation for the shop, right out on the Avenue I had 2 large urns that my organic herbs thrived in. I grew bay, 2 types of basil, oregano, sage, chives, marjoram, and parsley. It was a huge success, and chefs from a hotel down the block would and ask if they could harvest for their dishes. Of course, I wanted to share and they were invited to help us with harvesting all season.
I am really getting into this and am envisioning sharing with others the pure joy of raising your own food and knowing exactly what has gone into it. This is not only for the health benefits, but also the sense of accomplishment and nurturing.
I am also trying lettuces, mesclun mixes, spinach and more, plus lots of flowers and other herbs, in hopes that this will encourage others and to help me get through these last long weeks before spring.
The View from my Kitchen
6 years ago