Friday, March 7, 2008

Some reasons to go organic, not in order, all are important

I just wanted to list a few reasons why organics is so important to me and my family. They aren't in any particular order, I don't feel one is more important than another. Two weeks ago I was at a large organics conference thats held in La Crosse WI every Feb. Amazing, simply amazing to meet with thousands of people who truly "get it".
1. Reducing the toxic load...keeping chemicals out of the air, water, soil, and our bodies. This promotes a healthier, safer place for all living creatures.
2. Reduce/eliminate off farm pollution. Industrial agriculture doesn't just pollute farmland and workers. It also wreaks havoc downstream.
3. Build healthy soil by feeding organic matter, increases nutrient level in foods.
4. Protect future generations.
5.Taste better, truer flavor. Seasonal eating organics is the way to go!
6. Helps family farms realize their dream. Whether that farm is a 4 acre apple orchard or a 1500 acre wheat field, organic farming is family friendly.
7. Eleven years ago, genetically modified food was not part of our food supply, today 30% of the cropland is planted with GMOs. That is truly terrifying.
8. Eating with a sense of locality and place. Whether its locally produced fruits and veggies, fair trade coffee or artisan breads and cheese, organic demonstrates a resonance and reverance to the land and its people. Organic has proven to use less energy, is beneficial to soil, water and local habitat, and is far safer for the people who harvest our food. Eating seasonally by supporting farm markets and also promoting global organic economy year around.
9. Celebrate the culture in agriculture. Food is a language spoken by everyone, every culture. Organic agriculture embraces diversity and toxins and environmental harm is reduced, if not eliminated.
10. Promotes biodiversity, allowing local flora and fauna to coexist peacefully.

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