In my perennial beds, just a few flowers are blooming today, April 24. There are violets (Wisconsin state flower) scilla (Siberian Squill) hyacinth, hepatica and daffodils. The peonies look like they have put on a couple inches of growth, and the lilacs are buds but won't be blooming for another couple of weeks. The sedum is up as well as the Shasta daisies. Monkshood is about 3 inches tall as are the bleeding hearts. If the weather holds, it will be time for the first mowing in about a week. In the kitchen garden, I'm continuing spreading compost, making the veggie bed lots bigger. Unfortunately it seems I am only getting snippets of time to work on it. For example last night it was 8:45 pm and I was raking compost. Yes, in the dark. I can only wonder what the neighbors think. If gardening teaches patience I must be a slow learner as its getting on my nerves not to be able to work in the yard as much as I'd like. So, for the plans this year. In my original potager I grew tomatoes, beans, potatoes etc. I think this year I will put in the original four squares the asparagus, rhubarb, raspberries and the newer area I am working on will be for the annual veggie plants (tomatoes, sweet corn, beans, peppers etc).
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