Monday, April 7, 2008

Veggie Garden list 2008

For this years veggie garden, I plan on planting:
*Yukon Gold potatoes
*Lots of tomatoes...Brandywine, Roma, San Marzano, Mortgage Lifter, Bloody Butcher several plants of each variety
*Shallots, French Grey
*green beans
*carrots, Scarlet Nantes
*Brussels Sprouts
*yellow summer squash
*pumpkins Rouge D' Etamps
*Lettuces, mesclun and 4 seasons
*Sweet corn
*Watercress (in a container)
*Peppers, sweet green, red, yellow, purple, orange.
*Peppers, hot, cayenne for chili and salsa
Maybe some chard, last year we couldn't keep up with it and it nourished the compost pile

I also want to plant asparagus roots, more rhubarb (for wine!!) and Red Lake currants. If I can, I would like to replace the Montmorency cherry tree that died last year and also plant an heirloom apple or two. That will take up most of the available space, since we do need to keep some lawn for badminton.

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