Monday, May 5, 2008

Kentucky Derby Outrage

The Kentucky Derby. A beautiful creature, the filly who was racing in the Kentucky Derby this past weekend, ridden to the point of BREAKING her legs. She had to be "put out of her misery" had to be "euthanized" had to be "put down to relieve her intense pain". Is anyone else as horrified? Does anyone else care this exquisite creature was killed for the sake of gambling, for the sake of entertainment? What the hell has this come to? And its not the first time and will not be the last. It is obscene, when people abuse animals and promote such horror.


On The Dot said...

I totally agree with you! Something needs to be done about this. There is no reason why a horse should be ridden with such force that 2 legs could break. I'm disgusted with the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Dr Michael Savage, #3 National evening talk show AM host, tonight just exploded the truth of insurance and this horrible slaughter of an loving animal. He made the 10 million of us cry tonight and many horse experts called in. I am so glad I was spared this 'show' but the headlines of it of this beautiful horses last look are posted on top of, and I was shaken. for the first time, I too, now support PETA.