Thursday, June 19, 2008

Midwest Renewable Energy Fair

This Sunday we are heading over to Custer, WI (near Stevens Point) to take in the renewable energy fair. We includes Jeff and I, Randy and Jenn, Jason and Amy and 4 of our 5 grandkids. The energy fair is huge, with dozens of displays, seminars, vendors all related to alternative energy. There are lots of solar displays, last year there was a really cool setup using the sunshine to power a spraying water fountain. That was pretty popular as it was in the high 80s. Windmills, water power, steam power, veggie oil powered cars with large displays showing how many miles were driven using the waste veggie oil. theres a large building showcasing tons of ideas and information, lots of good tasty organic food, music, its so much fun! Last year I got to meet Dave Duffy, who is the editor/owner of Backwoods Home magazine, from Oregon. In the past I had written gardening articles for that magazine, so it was good to be able to put a face to the conversations we've had. If you get a chance, type in a search for Midwest Renewable Energy Fair to check out all the cool seminars and information. Even better, if you get a chance, go there in person. Its this Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I guarantee, if you're into alternative energy, living off the grid, gardening, organics, good music, back to the land, solstice you'll love to go!!!


Jennifer said...

I'm really excited to go! It will be fun going in such a big group as well. I'll be meeting up with Denise and Adam at some point I hope.

I'm looking forward to the food!


ps. thanks again for the flowers yesterday!

Connie said...

I'm really excited about going too! Forecast says nice day predicted, sunshine and 70s. Yay!
You're welcome :)