Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Appleton Wisconsin Christmas Parade

Tonight is the 38th annual Christmas Parade, downtown College Avenue. We here in Appleton take this parade very seriously. When I came downtown this morning, at 8 am the street was already lined 5 rows deep, full of lawn chairs and tarps, people set up early to stake out their spots on the Avenue. The parade starts at 6:00 with the Santa Scamper, runners trot down College Avenue, many dressed as reindeer, elves, Santa etc. At 6:20 the parade officially begins, there are 80 marching bands, floats, walking units etc. Should be a great night for the parade, decent weather in the low 30s.


Anonymous said...

WOW! 80 Bands?!?!


Anonymous said...


That's (80) Eighty "Units", which includes Bands, floats, and other vehicles.

I believe the parade typically draws about 14-20 Bands each year and is known as the largest nighttime parade in the state.
