Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rain Barrel Workshop

Here's your chance to save money and help the environment!!
Angie Lucas will be teaching a class on rain barrels Saturday March 21st at Fox River Academy -Green teaching building here in Appleton, WI. There are three different times to choose from on the 21st, one class runs from 10 am to 12 pm, another 12 to 2 pm and the third is from 2-4 pm so no matter what you have going on, one of those times may be perfect! Workshop is $40.00 per barrel and includes everything you need to start catching those precious drops of water.
Did you know that for every inch of rain that falls on 1000 square feet yields 623 gallons of water! By catching the rain from gutters and downspouts on homes and garages, you can give your thirsty garden plants a good healthy drink - for free! Its easy, and the right thing to do to help out Mother Earth! For more information, please visit

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