Well, I need to try and find some more bean seeds, since every last bean seedling has been devoured by bunnies. Man, they are so cute but so hungry! They drive Nike wild, as do the chipmunks. One chipmunk in particular seems to like to taunt Nike, sitting on the back step chattering or eating a seed. Nikes tail swishes non stop, tensed body bristling. The raspberries are in flower and have some immature berries, they are thick and will need thinning after just one year. The shallots look great, tomatoes are flowering but no fruit yet. I really should have taken better note which squash was planted where, this will be interesting as they seem to be doing pretty well. Pepper plants died :( I have had trouble the last couple years with them. Still removing hundreds of maple seedlings, grrrrrr. I do love summer like this though, temps are comfortable. I just need more time to garden!
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