Ahh, the first day of Spring! Today holds so much promise, of snow melting, seeing the first robin, feeling that warmth of the sun on your face....Happy first day of Spring! The seedlings are doing well, its time for some of the tomatoes to be moved into 6 inch pots. They will love their new homes I'm sure! Some of the herb seedlings did not transplant too well, I have learned that my lavender really got ticked off going into larger pots and is still sulking, a few days after. I hope that they will respond to my loving care. Thankfully the parsley, bells of Ireland and spinach seedlings were far less grumpy.
Tomorrows forecast says 8 inches of snow very possible. I'm keeping my fingers crossed....
The View from my Kitchen
6 years ago
I love bells of Ireland now after having them at the wedding! I can't wait to see them!
I hope we don't get any snow since I'm finally able to see the backyard now. poop
I definitely think that you could grow some in your garden....hint hint...I'll share some of my Bells seedlings with you, Jenn. They get tall so they could make a nice backdrop, or alongside your cool house. Did you and Randy have a nice Easter? I hope so
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