Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring sunshine!

Today is a gorgeous day, the sun is shining and it must be about 45 degrees. There's lots of people walking and jogging and it just feels like spring is in the air! I transplanted some of the herb seedlings this morning into larger pots, and I swear they are responding already. I also am sniffing the hyacinth plants that are blooming in pots, wow are they ever fragrant! Mmm, smells like honeyed vanilla, pretty intoxicating stuff. Lots of people are stopping by to peer in the windows, I think they are as starved for warm weather as I am.
I can't wait to start reading a book I picked up from on hold at the public library. Its called The Hometown Advantage and is written by Stacy Mitchell. It is about local small businesses, public policies and zoning. I think it will be interesting and pertinent to our shop and what we envision for the future.
This morning we checked on the wine, its definitely slowing down on bubbling and is getting much clearer. I can't wait to taste it! I imagine sitting in the backyard under the maple tree and hanging out with friends and family, enjoying life.

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