Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Harmony Cafe and coffee grounds

I am truly blessed to have great neighbors near Kindred Spirits Organics. Close by is a remarkable non profit green cafe called Harmony Cafe, a program of Goodwill Industries. Not only is it a cool place to meet for delicious coffee (organic, Fair trade) food and snacks and great music, but they also give price breaks for using the bus or by bringing in your own coffee cup. The best part, the people at Harmony. Mat came into Kindred one day and we were talking about composting, organics and the environment. He offered the used coffee grounds from the coffee shop, to help build nutrients into the gardens soil. He would rather see it composted and go back into the earth rather than going to the landfill and I applaud him. I pick up the coffee grounds three times a week and they are a valued addition to my compost piles. I can't wait to bring to Mat and his friends sun ripened tomatoes and peppers, herbs and flowers grown with the goodness generated by their coffee grounds. If you want to check out Harmony Cafes website and learn more, the web address is


On The Dot said...

YAY! nice blog Connie!

I've started my own for my DIY projects around the house!

Connie said...

Jenn thats awesome! I'm going to check it out (and I can't wait to see your new house!) I am so excited for you and Randy!