Thursday, March 13, 2008

more seeds to plant...and the wine is fermenting!

Before coming to Kindred Spirits this morning, I couldn't help but stop and look at the seeds racks. Just one or two more packs evolved into 5 packages of pepper seeds (pimento stuffer, purple belle, yellow belle, California Wonder and red bell Mercury) and for tomatoes, Roma, Tigerella, another package of Brandywine, Hillbilly and chocolate cherry. The chocolate cherry tomato and hillbilly are both new to me, and look pretty darn interesting. The chocolate cherry is said to resemble chocolate drops, grown in clusters and are supposed to be quite tasty. Hillbilly tomato is a large yellow orange tomato streaked with red and have high acidity (oh my lips!) and quite vigorous.
Its going to be lots of fun growing them in the garden and seeing for ourselves how these varieties taste. Again this morning Jeff commented that we will need to expand the gardens a bit. I'm really lucky he is into gardening too, or I might have a bit of 'splaining to do about all these seedlings. I'm also lucky that my kids have said they will take some plants off my hands. Hmm, think we need an intervention?
Jeff's newest hobby is wine making and oh boy is he going to town! A few nights ago he tested and then transferred his first fermenting from the wine pail into the glass carboy for the second fermentation stage. Whew!! It is fun watching the bubbling action, and knowing that in a few months we can sample this batch. He is using Niagara grapes, and the next batch will be black currants. I'm looking forward to this fall when we will go south of Madison WI to a vineyard and pick the French grapes and have them crushed right in front of us. I'll keep you posted!


On The Dot said...

I can't wait to take some plants off your hands! It will be amazing to be able to just walk outside and pick a tomato! I haven't been able to do that in years.

Connie said...

I think one of the best things about summer is doing just that, going outside picking a sun warmed tomato and enjoying that taste! I'm looking forward to helping with your garden :) compost, plants and lots of fun!